
Insignificant on the earth
Unknown in the universe
Being observed by everyone
Every second, every minute

Wander your eyes 
Rationalize in mind
Experience the absence
And create ideas.
The expressions, the emotions 
Your desire and ambitions. 

Lost in your own thoughts
Roaming in your own dreams
Wherever they may be
In your search of solace and compassion
Whom do you think to find your answer?


A walk in the mountains
Surrounded by trees
Lost amidst highs and lows
I walk further to find peace 
Peace, away from the chaos
A way, leading to the end
The end is what I look for
A search set out during peace
And then, there is a void
A void, I'm absorbed in
A tiny drop in the ocean of nothing
And that is my destiny
A drop worthy of nothing
I believe, one day I'll be 
Away from everything 
To be nothing
At peace

Such Is The World

A point here and a point there 
A voice here and a feeling there
A whisper from here is a chaos somewhere
And we think, we are all together

Moment by moment, day by day 
We build a world to destroy
And rebuild it from the broken pieces 
From the ones that were there 
And the ones that weren't 
To see the tomorrow that won't be there
Such is the world we live in 
And that's how we fit in

The Story Of Dust

We all look the same, with no special power,
play in the wind and afraid of a shower,
so many cultures my eyes have seen,
emergence of earth is where my story begins.

With the dream of becoming one to million,
I started my journey with every break of a stone,
months passed and years passed,
so many miles surpassed,
I transformed your thoughts into wonders,
stayed with you in all blunders,
the blood and shades of lost generations,
possibilities of new civilizations.

Despite of all the witnesses, inanimate I am,
insignificant I am,
unnoticed and unknown,
but there will be always times,
in the utter darkness with no sight,
I'll be the proof of a ray of light.
A dust is what I'm called,
around me your life is revolved.

The Disgorge

Not Mine Though !!!

Bit of success, mild failure,
Fancy bet or simply frustrate.
Emptied bottles, little movement,
Jiffy of joy and the other man inside says 'hi'.

He is confident, he is not afraid,
Yet he is unstable and uncertain.

Few more bottles and few more jokes,
Seconds of anger and few more smokes.
Time is now to write history,
Madness for now and for future cool story.

And a sudden rush inside the body
A wave says 'Not any more'
'I can't stand this unreal pressure, the foreign liquid
The complicated mixture
Let there be some air, let there be some disgust and pain
Promise you won't do it ever again'

Another wave and it's all out
Jokes and camaraderie, fun and finish
Some pity and some good old water
The scratched throat, the dizzy brain,
The crooked friends but all are mine.

Some other day I'll break the promise and cross the limits

Those Footsteps

Showered for minutes and the place is repelled,
Foot impressions of kids and cattle,
Looks as if they fight an unnamed battle,
Somehow their life is sustained. 

Those steps could have been invisible
on a nice plain road,
The steps could have been approaching
a school,
The steps carry a bucket of mud
as an illusive water to bathe,
The steps is what our feet hates. 

A little we know about them, a lot we feel about;
A little they know, in which country they live;
A little they know, of where those steps will lead;
A little they think, what's their need. 

Compelled, resisted and diseased with poverty;
Yet they always wish of only pity.
Pity gives them food, pity gives them clothes;
In return they give their ignorant votes.

Unfortunate that you fight for an uncertain tomorrow,
Irony that you're that diamond which won't shine,
Will take an eternity for someone to hear your pain,
Keep looking for some angel to drop in the chain.

Not Another Day

Sleep deprived, on a rainy day was thinking something and this interrupted me on the way.

Do you see the people passing by
talking about the crowd far by 
no clue what happened there 
seems someone's dream is falling apart 
Did you try to know more 
or run away with an old sore 
And still you thinking whose gonna help them out ? 
Or, they gonna scream and shout 
You want to speak loud and tell the crowd 
" why do you just surround making a round 
don't you have a hand to help 
doesn't your heart melt 
you find it weird, awesome and mad 
probably give an example to your lad 
do you think someone's pain is worth that? 
used as fun, irony and great comeback " 
not a big deal 
you have faced it all 
now you got no patience and time to stall 
running back to the old life 
but I'm in pain still crying, dying, lying helpless 
shivering with fear almost breathless 
wishing my pain to disappear but it never helps
continuing my story till some other heart melts 


This was written when I had fever during summer. It's re-edited many times with the help of many people.

Now I see no place to be,
Destiny is crossing me.
Life is searching me
Can you find it back?
Help me counter attack

Discussion is going on
Confusion is crossing on
Mentally I remain sad
Enjoy the moments like mad
Do you see the path ?
Help me counter attack.

Kingdom of heaven,
Master of seven,
Do you see the light in which I see a train?
Is this the tunnel of fortune or death ?
Do you see the path ?
Help me counter attack.

Can you hear the child screaming
Want to change the way of living
Moving here up and down
Sometime turning round and round
Help me counter attack.
Do you see the path?

Blood rushes to find the path
No way to counter attack
Can you see through the window
Where I'm passing by ?

Can you tell me why ?
I stay beneath the sky.
Running over the past
Can you counter attack?
Do you see the path ?


Sometimes those sad, bad, awkward and glad moments induce and inspire you to write stuff like this.

How strong is it?
How weak it can be?
If you try to break 
How easy it may be?

How difficult is it?
How simple it can be? 
When you try to solve 
How puzzled you can be? 

Is it quick to start?
Can you see a finish point?
Did you break some locks to win some hearts?
Do you take a chance and do romance?

Can you find the thread or the knot?
On what basis you judge it correct 
Where did you bury it?
Beneath the heart or across the head 

Just don't think about it 
It might break.


So what is it ? 
Does it make you pure? 
You are not a sinner now! 
Are you bound to believe that somehow ? 
Do we must walk on fire to feel the cold ? 
Does everyone do it before getting old ? 
Who feeds whom in the process ? 
Why someone dies for food or success ? 
Do I have to dip in, to achieve greatness, 
What else is madness ? 
Are we killing the spirit to learn ? 
Or driven by someone to earn. 
Does choosing always matters? 
What about someone whose dream always shatters? 
Does killing have the same meaning? 
Why do they call it a war when it crosses the limit? 
Stepping back, when you cry, 
Does it actually satisfy? 
If getting the sympathy is what you look for, 
Then what were you bravely fighting for? 
Did you forget the reason for your pain? 
Come get some more - it won't go in vain.
Creative Commons Licence
Abstract and Obscure by Ashis Dash is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.